The Clan


Arriving in post-war Australia with nothing – neither language nor money – Anya and a group of people from Poland formed strong friendships, sharing each other’s joys and disappointments as they adjusted to a new life.
Anya taught herself English and, following her passion for writing, began to draft stories about what everyday life was like for migrants at the time. With a keen eye for detail and a sensitive ear for conversation, she has created a significant testament to the resilience of this group of people.

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Anna Sput-Stern

Anna was born in Poland. She survived the Holocaust and migrated to Australia in 1948. As one of many homeless people who survived the war years, she has come to understand her experiences and has found solace in the life she lives. Her previous publications, Images and Reflections (poetry) and On the Other Side of the River (prose) explore the experience of civilians during World War II. She writes about love and hate, the pain of loss, the joy of growth of a family and misery that comes with the feelings of ‘who am I and where do I belong?’ For some Jewish families it has meant living under assumed names for a life-time In Clan, Anna writes about life in Australia for herself, her family and friends. Anna’s latest book, A New Identity, deals with the complexities of identity, adjustment and survival in difficult and sometimes dangerous conditions.