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- As it Was: Poems by Anna Sput-Stern
- “As it Was gathers the past as if it were today with poetry speaking for the ‘silent voices’ of so many lost to the holocaust with its horrific reverberations. In some parts, a clarion call, a whispered lullaby, a mother’s grief, a lover’s loss and, at its core, a survivor’s guilt and a survivor’s peace. These are poems brimming with…
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Author: Anna Sput-Stern
- A New Identity: A Novel
- The war is over! Not one German soldier is to be seen in Krakow. The streets are full of people celebrating the end of the occupation. Janina Matiszewska watches from her bedroom window, her heart filled with equal measures of sadness and joy. Her hand touches the cross at her throat that has kept her safe for so long, a…
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Author: Anna Sput-Stern
- The Little Green Frog
- Jack and Harry Beaumont are young brothers, aged 8 and 6 years old, with a passion for writing and illustrating. They love reading books and thought they would have a go at writing their own. Jack came up with the idea for The Little Green Frog while slowly travelling on a canal boat down the River Nene in Northamptonshire, UK,…
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Author: Jack and Harry Beaumont
- The Man from Talalaivka
- When Peter forged travel documents during Stalin’s formidable reign to see his parents in a Siberian labour camp before they perished, he knew he was facing the life-or-death challenge of his life. What followed in the years after that journey could not have been foreseen by Peter or his countrymen. In 1941, the Ukraine was invaded by Hitler’s army and…
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Author: Olga Chaplin
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- Wonder: Local Adventures for Kids
- Melbourne Edition
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Author: Caroline WebberIllustrator: Kathryn Garland
Expected Release Date: TBCMelbourne Edition
- Le Pain Quotidien“You can feast on all these poems at once, or nibble at them, like a box of chocolates. Or enjoy a poem at a time, like fruit from a bowl. This is a good book – in the moral as well as aesthetic sense.”
~ Patrice Newell
- The Urban EscapeesThere was a great old mulberry tree and some sturdy native trees next door to my family home. Sadly, the trees disappeared when the neighbour’s house was torn down to make way for a block of units. Fond childhood memories of hunting for mulberries and playing hide-and-seek came flooding back when I read Susan Ramage’s poignant tale, The Urban Escapees, about a suburban boy’s bid to rescue a family of Brushtail possums threatened by urban development at the bottom of his garden. People need a place to live, but so do the birds and bees that pollinate our lives and…
~ Louise Evans OAM, Journalist and author/documentary maker of ‘Passage to Pusan’
- Putting Pen to Paper“Putting Pen to Paper is clear, practical and easy to understand. It’s the perfect book to guide writers through the practicality of writing and publishing, and gives them the tools to start.”
~ Nellie Flannery, Shanahan Management
- Putting Pen to Paper“Putting Pen to Paper is a practical handbook, encouraging new writers to ask all the right questions about publication. With this book in hand, you will have a well-informed knowledge of the entire book production process as well as many tips for improving your writing – and improving your chances of being published.”
~ Patti Miller, author of ‘Writing your life’ and ‘Whatever the Gods do’
- The Urban Escapees“Educational and entertaining, thoughtful and fun.”
~ Jane Coffey, Director, Peribo Distributors of Fine Books
- The Urban Escapees“In this delightful story, young readers enter the life of the Brushtail family. Possum Way is a joyful haven of bush and colour, where the possums live peacefully. But when bulldozers and cranes arrive, the Brushtails have to find a new home, and Louis, the boy who lives in the house at the top of the garden, needs to think quickly and come up with a plan. Can Louis save the Brushtails? The Urban Escapees invites questions about urbanisation and its impact on nature.”
~ Susanne Gervay OAM, Writer and Regional Advisor, Society of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators Australia East and NZ
- The Man from Talalaivka“An enticing and compelling true story of a family’s resilience as they endure the compounding hostilities of first Stalin, then Hitler, before adapting to a new life in Australia.”
~ Anne Lovell, ‘Connie’s Secret’
- The Man from Talalaivka“A brilliant read… about love, loss, separation, tragedy and endurance. Crafted with great clarity and finesse, The Man from Talalaivka will touch the heart of any reader. Swept clean of trivia, Olga Chaplin writes of enduring tragedy with no trace of self pity.”
~ M L Grace, ‘From the Depths: Collected Tanka’
Shop our Books
- As it Was: Poems by Anna Sput-Stern
- “As it Was gathers the past as if it were today with poetry speaking for the ‘silent voices’ of so many lost to the holocaust with its horrific reverberations. In some parts, a clarion call, a whispered lullaby, a mother’s grief, a lover’s loss and, at its core, a survivor’s guilt and a survivor’s peace. These are poems brimming with…
- $22.00
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Author: Anna Sput-Stern
- On the Other Side of the River
- As a young woman, Anna Sput-Stern was caught in the midst of the German invasion of Poland in the Second World War, and was to suffer the pain of exile, labour camps, illness and indescribable loss. 'On the Other Side of the River' is a collection of stories based on the experiences of Anna and those around her during and…
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Author: Anna Sput-Stern
- The Clan
- Arriving in post-war Australia with nothing - neither language nor money - Anya and a group of people from Poland formed strong friendships, sharing each other's joys and disappointments as they adjusted to a new life. Anya taught herself English and, following her passion for writing, began to draft stories about what everyday life was like for migrants at the…
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Author: Anna Sput-Stern
- A New Identity: A Novel
- The war is over! Not one German soldier is to be seen in Krakow. The streets are full of people celebrating the end of the occupation. Janina Matiszewska watches from her bedroom window, her heart filled with equal measures of sadness and joy. Her hand touches the cross at her throat that has kept her safe for so long, a…
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Author: Anna Sput-Stern
- A Mother’s Mind
- A Mother’s Mind is a recollection of confronting and intense mental health episodes. It is a deeply personal offering. It provides a rare and raw glimpse into what some mothers can experience, though few may feel they can share. Gidget Foundation Australia advocate for the destigmitisation of mental health and Amanda’s book is one more step toward this coming to…
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Author: Amanda Thomas Walsh
- Reunited
- When sock brothers Bert and Ben are separated in the washing machine, their lives spin in different directions. How will they cope with being separated and what will they discover about themselves and each other before they are Reunited?
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Author: Murray CollinsIllustrator: Brian Collins
- Tell Tails: An Anthology for Animals
- TELL TAILS, An Anthology for Animals (written and illustrated by Nettie Lodge) is an A to Z collection of poems and illustrations that brings the animal world to life. Each animal has its own story about its character, its origin and its place in nature to inspire young zoologists. Through inquiry and the joy that all animals bring to our…
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Author: Nettie LodgeIllustrator: Nettie Lodge
- The Clamour of Silence
- Valerie's first novel The Clamour of Silence, centres on a relationship involving a profoundly deaf character. It is a contemporary love story set between two different cultures – the deaf world and the hearing world. Sydney stud Ryan, living and working in the noisy cut and thrust world of the stock exchange, was emotionally damaged as a small boy and…
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Author: Valerie Pybus
- Beyond the Tamar
- Later all he could remember was the blood-red geranium on the window ledge. The vibrant flower found at every mine head. Superstitions long held of its magical power to keep the mine safe and the devil at bay. Well, it had not worked for Pa, had not protected for him. The devil, in all his malevolent evil, had been there,…
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Author: Valerie Pybus
- Distant Island
- Distant Island is a collection of poems exploring the role of motherhood, female identity and the sense of place. “In Distant Island Beth Wunderlich’s early poems form a small but beautifully balanced anthology. As they are read, the mind is opened to the spirit of soul. But then, with sharp reality, life hits back. Beth’s observations are acute, empathetically relating…
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Author: Beth Wunderlich
- Troubled Waters
- Troubled Waters is a murder mystery, set in the Channel Islands in the 1980s, with flashbacks to World War II during the German occupation. The location is Longuey, a small (fictional) island off the coast of Guernsey. Teenager Robbie is caught up in a murder investigation, when he discovers a drowned body on his first day home from boarding school.…
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Author: Mary Jones
- The Little Green Frog
- Jack and Harry Beaumont are young brothers, aged 8 and 6 years old, with a passion for writing and illustrating. They love reading books and thought they would have a go at writing their own. Jack came up with the idea for The Little Green Frog while slowly travelling on a canal boat down the River Nene in Northamptonshire, UK,…
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Author: Jack and Harry Beaumont
- Quest for Green Gables
- Would you like to learn about magic? Discover it the way I did. A longed for adventure after reading Anne of Green Gables as a child. Travelling from Sydney, Australia through unknown destinations to Prince Edward Island in Nova Scotia. “It’s delightful when your imaginations come true, isn’t it?” Anne Shirley’s words came true for me. Awaiting me was pure magic in…
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Author: Valerie Pybus
- The Dragon Brothers
- Let the Adventure Begin The Dragon Brothers: Let the adventure begin is the first in a series of whimsical tales of adventure and possibilities for children of all ages to enjoy. Join Rhys, Tomos and Hunter on their magical journey in a faraway land and find out what happens when they discover three mysterious eggs.
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Author: Fiona Mearon Long
- Ben Dark and the Rogue Robot Rendezvous
- Schoolboy Ben Dark is a 13 year old, A minus student and B plus athlete. He keeps a low profile at school, with his friend Mike, a nerdy academic and Amanda, who is aloof and athletic. He spends his time playing the ancient strategy board game Go with Mike and avoiding the unwanted attention of the school bully. Ben’s life is turned…
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Author: Rob Oliver
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Troubled Waters

The Clan


Two Dogs in Bondi

Beyond the Tamar

Bolognese Days

Ben Dark and the Rogue Robot Rendezvous

A New Identity: A Novel

The Little Green Frog

Kokoda Secret

The Dragon Brothers

the deepest part of the river won’t freeze

The Man from Talalaivka

Putting Pen to Paper

Tell Tails: An Anthology for Animals

As it Was: Poems by Anna Sput-Stern

A Brief History of the Victorian Branch Society of Women Writers

Edred Emu’s New Glasses

The Clamour of Silence

Wilhelmina Wombat

The Urban Escapees

Under the Rose Bush

Kevin’s Very First Adventure

On the Other Side of the River

A Mother’s Mind

Silly Sausage

The Publicity Push

Hippies in the City

Distant Island

Quest for Green Gables

Meet the Websprites
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- non-fiction
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- poetry
- post natal psychosis
- pregnancy and childbirth
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The Clan
Author: Anna Sput-Stern

Distant Island
Author: Beth Wunderlich

Kevin’s Very First Adventure

Le Pain Quotidien
Author: David Wansbrough

Silly Sausage
Author: Silly Sausage

Two Dogs in Bondi
Author: Two Dogs in Bondi

the deepest part of the river won’t freeze
Author: Paulette Dubé
The Bees Bums Paper-Free Wipes
Author: The Bees Bums Paper-Free Wipes

The Publicity Push
Author: The Publicity Push

Kokoda Secret
Author: Susan Ramage

The Dragon Brothers
Author: Fiona Mearon Long

Edred Emu’s New Glasses

Meet the Websprites

On the Other Side of the River
Author: Anna Sput-Stern

The Bees Bums Food Wrappers
Author: The Bees Bums Food Wrappers

The Little Green Frog
Author: Jack and Harry Beaumont

Author: Murray CollinsIllustrator: Brian Collins

Beyond the Tamar
Author: Valerie Pybus

Tell Tails: An Anthology for Animals
Author: Nettie LodgeIllustrator: Nettie Lodge

Bolognese Days
Author: Fiona Mearon Long

As it Was: Poems by Anna Sput-Stern
Author: Anna Sput-Stern

Ben Dark and the Rogue Robot Rendezvous
Author: Rob Oliver

Quest for Green Gables
Author: Valerie Pybus

Troubled Waters
Author: Mary Jones

Hippies in the City
Author: Hippies in the City

Under the Rose Bush
Author: Under the Rose Bush

Wilhelmina Wombat
Author: Wilhelmina Wombat

A Brief History of the Victorian Branch Society of Women Writers
Author: Caroline Webber

Putting Pen to Paper
Author: Caroline Webber

A Mother’s Mind
Author: Amanda Thomas Walsh

A New Identity: A Novel
Author: Anna Sput-Stern

The Urban Escapees
Author: Susan RamageIllustrator: Nettie Lodge

The Clamour of Silence
Author: Valerie Pybus

The Man from Talalaivka
Author: Olga Chaplin